*Snort* Included

Posted by DC Export on 11:47 PM in , ,
I swear videos like this were created solely to get me to snort milk through my nose as I chomp down on Oreos.

Hopefully this gives your Friday a happy little kick, eh?


Another one for the list!

Posted by DC Export on 2:33 AM in , ,

Oh the ways I love EavesdropDC. They post the overheard conversations (usually of tourists) in and around DC. On occasion I'm caught off-guard by the ludicrousness of the lack of education of some of our citizens (ie. 'where's the food court on the mall? You mean its just a patch of grass and not a real mall!?') but today was not one of those days. Today was a posting of a phrase I am going to attempt to incorporate into my life somehow:
" Bolt Bus driver pulling into rest stop between NYC and DC 2/1/09:
'Okay, people. You get 15 minutes. I am a divorced man. I tell you that so you know I'll leave you, too.' "

Read the rest of this post...
I'm adding that to my list of phrases. Another current favorite being one filed carefully into my mental Rolodex for future use with my kids when they scream the 'he/she started it!' game is "NO, I started it (insert age number here) years ago in a moment of passion and I'll end it the same way if you don't stop it now!"

Yes, this post was lacking in my usual wit, but I'll name the culprit to that one to this story I'm (haphazardly) writing. I'm stuck mid-way through and hit the 'wall'. That and a snoring puppy (who knew puppies could snore THAT loud? seriously, I thought a tornado was touching down!). Alas, back to writing I go!

(via EavesdropDC.)


Aw damn this takes me back...

Posted by DC Export on 1:20 AM in , ,

When I see things like this, it makes me wish I was a kid again. I remember the days when I would crawl into an old box a la Snoopy and pretend to be a fighter pilot taking on the Red Baron! Now for a mere $50 duckets you can get your very own customizable trip down memory lane.

Here in our house we're planning on purchasing this for our nephew for his 4th birthday later this year. We're going to paint it his favorite color and write his name on the side. When we give it to him, our plan is to let him do the rest of the decorative painting himself. It certainly looks to be hours of fun for an active, imaginative kid!

If only we all had been so lucky to have our cardboard boxes match what our imagination dreams them to be! Kids today...

You can purchase the cardboard airplane or other cardboard imagination stations at Cardboardesign.


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