Sticks & stones may break bones, but an xbox is also effective

Posted by DC Export on 12:26 AM
This weekend I tried to kick my own ass. Cause, ya know, being 6 months pregnant isn't sore enough.

Saturday I was attempting to help Matt go through old boxes & decide what to keep/give away/trash. He tends to bond with his past objects, so he needs the help with minimizing. With this kid coming like a freight train, we need as few storage items as possible!

So I helped him by coldly tossing a lot of old treasures in the giveaway box. He fought it, as I would if I were him, but the rationale won out. However, he let me know I was ruthless. Then I went through my boxes.

There was my first generation xbox. Ahhh the fun times we had together. But, we don't need it. So I began lifting it out of the box, full intention to sell/give it away, and it slips from my fingers and onto my foot.

Xboxes are surprisingly painful. I need to remember that, should someone break in.

Then Sunday came. All normal until I ran around the coffee table, stepped on the dog bed (which is on hardwood) and bit it. I guess I hit the ground harder than I thought because Matt was quite concerned.

After an initial assessment of myself (I caught myself & fell on my side, breaking my fall with my hands/face/the rug), I knew I hadn't injured the baby at all. Once I expressed this rationally to Matt, the hormones took over & I bawled over my clumsiness for at least 15 minutes. Matt called my mom (a nurse) to confirm my rationalization, but I wouldn't talk to get because I felt I was "too hormonal" (yes, I said that).

We calmed down and grabbed the baby listener to check on Uno. He usually is inactive at the time I fell, so we just wanted to hear his heartbeat. Apparently pressing the listener against him pissed him off, because he kicked/punched/moved every way possible to let us know he disliked all the ruckus. I was never more proud. :)

Today, I'm a little sore, but fine. My cheekbone looks like I had a bad implant done. It's amusing. I had lunch with a girlfriend today who earned herself some UDIs (unidentified drunken injuries) this past weekend & we looked like female boxers commiserating. We got a kick out of it, even if the mommies in panera were giving us concerned looks as if they needed to contact a battered women's shelter. That's all that matters.

I now leave you with this morning's photographic evidence that I went toe to toe with Hilary Swank (the name of our living room rug).

Not the best lighting, but the swelling is obvious. Can't wait for the bruising to set in!

I now will finally publicly confess: I'm a klutz. At least my kid is one tough, expressive nugget.


Back to Blogging.

Posted by DC Export on 2:22 PM in ,
For real this time. I'm really back.
See? I'm writing things on my blog again.

I'm 23 weeks pregnant as of now. It's starting to really set in that in 13-17 weeks, a medical professional will extract this thing from my uterus & let us bring it home to raise. Um...that's scary.

Up till now, I haven't really shown. Not anymore, because baby Uno has made himself nice and prominent. My feet and I are enjoying our last few weeks of seeing each other until this whole thing passes. We also finished the baby registry, which is a HUGE relief!

The biggest debate we're currently having are names. You'd think this whole naming thing would be easy, but it's kind of stressful. I mean, this kid is stuck with that name its WHOLE life (unless it goes to the courts to change it, but still). This is the first thing we could fuck our kid up with, no pressure. It's difficult to name someone you haven't met, someone you'll spend the rest of your life fretting over, someone who currently enjoys Mortal-Kombat-Style punching your cervix...
Anywho, Our Top 6 Name Contenders are:

Thoughts? Tomorrow we have another OB appointment. This will be the one where my doctor tells me I'll be getting my glucose test done real soon (oh yey). That's a whole other adventure.

It's amazing how my life in the span of only a few months has changed so much. Instead of reading lots of tech blogs, I'm now adding in lots of mommy blogs and obsessively reading books on birthing/breastfeeding/child rearing. I am no longer grossed out by bodily functions and can speak freely of them (conversations with girlfriends about the FUN times of finding colostrum on your nipples...). Now every meal I eat, I think of what nutrition baby has not gotten today. Every shopping trip I think "do I really need that item? how could that benefit babito instead?". My make-up routine is much simpler. I am now a light sleeper (something I never EVER thought would happen). Life is changing, and Uno isn't even here yet.

I even notice my husband changing.

I'm becoming a mommy.

...This is scary.

But TOTALLY worth it.


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