
Posted by DC Export on 2:51 PM in , ,

I'm not gonna lie, Megan Fox is a fox (you see how I did that? I took her last name and used it as a commonly used adjective to describe her! I'm a genius!). Seriously though, bitch is hot. And here she is working on a new movie, because that's what working actresses do in Hollywood.

But as I'm looking at these pictures (Thanks Tyler Durden!) I notice an ominous creeper in the rearview mirror. Does anyone else think ol Chester the Molester there looks a bit Spielberg esque? (side note: spell check TOTALLY has Spielberg in its dictionary, who knew?) Maybe he wants to ask her to do a movie...a private movie. Da dun chik!


Get in the Jalopy!

First on our illustrious agenda today:

Some Recent Fark headlines with 'Florida' tags (I live for these, almost as much as I live for IceT scenes in Law & Order SVU) because this crazy shit only happens in this insane state:
-Man finishes jail sentence, steps out and takes a breath of air as a free man, and then is promptly run over by a police cruiser
- Today's Fark-ready headline: "Sex-Doll Threesome Man Gets Off". Giggity
Lingerie football league to begin playing in Fort Lauderdale. John Madden to come out of retirement to call games. WHOA LOOK AT THAT HOLE
Nine people shot, one fatally, at block party remembering neighbors lost to violence. So...party next month?
Teachers pose topless for calendar spread to raise money for cancer research. Hilarity ensues
With budget impasse still unresolved, legislature debates whether new Christian license plate should have stained glass, cross or Jesus Chainsaw Massacre displayed
*Ding Dong* "Who is it?" "Land Gator" "Oh, Charles, are you pretending to be that awful Land ... OH MY GOD NOOOOO"
And then there's that special level of stupid for those people who run stop signs, while smoking joints, carrying 209 pot plants in open back seat of car

Which brings me to WHY I'm posting that. You see, I awoke this morning to find this little diddy via a local newspapers Twitter (headline word for word): "Woman arrested for stabbing priest"
Say WHAT?! You can't give me a headline like that for some crazy shit happening in Florida and have this pathetic squalor of a article! I mean, shit! You spent TWO WHOLE PAGES discussing Florida's Elite Mother-of-the-Year candidate for bringing a Gun & Knife to school on the 10 yr anniversary of Columbine (who you still couldn't 'confirm' that she was demonstrating in connection to the Columbine events y'all), but only 2 friggin paragraphs on someone going all stabby on a man of the cloth? WHAT has Florida come to?! For such a crazy religious state (see loverly proposed Florida licence plates with half-dead Jesus on them above) you'd think they would take some time to elaborate on what happened. Why it happend. What did the Rev eat that morning? Shit that you covered in Dipshit-of-the-Week's article, but not in this one. I say of-the-week because I know this state well enough by now to know that there will be a new reigning champ shortly.

...sorry for ranting, local reporting is whack y'all.

In other news I can't get the following two songs out of my head. Its like a gnome has taken up residence in there and is spinning his favorite two songs. STEVE ILL GET YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS!!

...um...yeah. Anyway, the first is Kanye West/Kid Cudi/Common's take on Lady Gaga's Poker Face. Phenoms.

And this is "Im Freaky" by Flight of the Conchords...I'm not gonna lie I've been singing this to Mash all weekend. Because you see, that's what I do when I actually have an entire weekend with husband, I sing absurd songs about how his wife is freaky and wants to make 2 life-size cutouts of our bodies and then pose them into sensual positions, or how he should go outside and get some leaves and pretend to be a tree and ill pretend to be a squirrel and steal his nuts from him...did I mention that I say these things to him while using Brett's falsetto voice? I totally do.

I feel like we're all getting closer already dear readers!

Happy Monday!


Shit Hot

If this shirt doesnt make you shit your pants with glee then you should be checked into the institution immediately. Holla back old school Mario EXTRA REAL for 19.75! FTW!

(yes, i totally geeked-the-fuck-out on this post. get over it. movinalong!)


Copycat whaaaat?

Posted by DC Export on 10:50 PM in , ,

That hot mama to the left there is 61 year old Judy Hall, a local Pensacola resident and professional dumbass. What I have gathered from this unbelievably vague article (here) is that Ms. Hall was upset that some kids at school were spreading a rumor that her son posted a 'hit list' online (*note: it was made clear that the 'rumor' wasn't actually about her son, but about another kid, but for some reason this lady thought it was her son...).

So this crackpot did the responsible thing: call the school and scheduled a time to speak with the principal to address her (unfounded) concerns. On said day she freaking SHOWED UP AT THE SCHOOL IN A TRENCH COAT with a concealed gun AND knife. This is the part where I tell you that this crazy bitch did this on the 10 year anniversary of Columbine.

Why? Well, since I'm not quite fluent in dipshit yet, (another few years and just maybe! yay!) the only possible reason I could think of is that SHE was the one who posted the hitlist because no one would suspect the mother of a freshman to go fuckwit crazy on a school of high school kids! Muhahaha! And starting in the principals office? Brilliant. No, seriously, they really don't know why. When the principal saw her in the parking lot (in costume) he ran out to talk to her, where she was quoted as to saying "anyone could walk in the school with a trench coat on and a gun in their pocket and start killing people".

Um...yeah lady...but most people don't do that. And most people don't try to prove this point by bringing ACTUAL weapons to a school campus, nor do they do it on the anniversary of such a clusterfuck of a catastrophe when school employees would be on high alert for a copycat. And most 61 year old women have more sense than this.

But I digress, my favorite part of the article is where the police chief says: "The mother did not identify that she was trying to make a connection to Columbine,"
you couldn't garner that information by the TRENCHCOAT, KNIFE, or concealed FIREARM? Does she have to wear a sign saying "yo, this is in connection to Columbine!" for y'all to get it?

...am I the only one that found that strange?

This was a weird post for me. I hope it was for you too.
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd end post.


Oh the woes of being a woman...

Posted by DC Export on 10:27 PM in , ,
Two things have come to my attention this week that deal with the woes of being female.

1. Some brilliant scientist/researcher/NSA Employee/Man figured out that women carry a lot of shit in their purses. STOP THE PRESSES! They say that on average the following can be found in our bags: a make-up bag, a camera, phone, a diary, a book or magazine, a fold-up umbrella, an iPod, a hairbrush, a set of keys, painkillers, a wallet and hand cream. The article goes on to say that this luggage could weigh as much as 'half a stone' (which sounded kind of scary and heavy to me...like women are Davids in training just waiting for Goliath to show his ugly face to us one day...then I looked up how much a stone is to us American folk, and realized that the extra 7 lbs of a bag they're rambling on about really isn't much. Really.)

If you've met me, you'd know that I knocked out the camera/phone/diary/book/ipod with my iPhone. Genius little device! Makes so much more room for the shit in my bag. What have we here: small emergency makeup shiz, sunglasses, antibacterial hand sanitizer, lip balm, wallet, keys, phone, magazine, cliff bar, back-up cliff bar (I get cranky without em), gum, pen, inhaler, epi-pen (in case of oranges/pomegranates), mace (in case of person wielding oranges/pomegranates), and occasionally a water bottle.

But a hair brush? Really? Is this 1993? Do these British birds also have scrunchies?

2. Holy shit. Someone thought it would be a GREAT idea to use the metaphor of mowing the lawn for grooming the cho-cha! Seriously. Really. Watch the commercial below. W.T.F. Catchy song? check. Lame actors? check. Pussycat? check. BUSH TRIMMED AS A FREAKING LANDING STRIP? oh check. When I checked to find out if this was the real ad for Shick Quattro For Women TrimStyle with Bikini Trimmer, I was disappointed to (sort of?) learn that this wasn't the REAL commercial. The real commercial can be seen here on this website (which is not much less um...metaphorical as the one below), as well as a quick review...in case you wanna trim your hedges or anything...

Well then. I think I've talked enough about cootertangs for the day. Enjoy!


Its like a dum dum variety pack up in here

There are too many things that randomly happened recently that are too short to constitute their own posting. Just go with it:

1. Someone on twitter started following me. Their link was http://twitter.com/FindToriNow and before it registered in my pea brain that it was probably about some kid, I actually thought for a second "but...I'm right here...in Pensacola. I mean, I'm not in DC anymore and that may make me fall off the map, but you can call off the twitter search, I really am here of my own free will..." And then I removed myself from my own vanity and realized it was about a little girl in Canada. So...yeah. Go to the twitter. If you see that 8 year old @ reply on twitter to them about it. Yes, that seems rude but I'm trying to help find a missing kid here who happens to share my awesome name.

2. I discovered earlier this week when torturing Mash with the "am I fat?" questions I find oh-too-amusing that he laughs like a tickle me elmo if you get him in the right spot. No freaking lie, I'm sure they recorded my husband's tickle laugh and said "EUREKA! BOYS WE GOT IT! THIS WILL MAKE OUR CREEPY ANIMATRONIC ELMO GOLD!"

3. Mash and I have been watching The Tudors a lot lately. So much so that we actually started discussing more interesting methods of executions. For those who truly pissed off the king: hanging by the neck while being lowered into a vat of acid. Adding insult to injury? Midgets with pinchers on a pole giving the convict purple nurples. Why midgets? Why not.

4. This might be TMI, so avert your eyes if you're not a fan of the hijinx of operating a vajayjay. The other day I was in the shower and needed to shave my...lady bits. I ran out of my normal shave gel and saw Mash's Edge one and for-some-dumb-reason thought it would be a GOOD idea to use it down there. Minty fresh does not begin to describe what it made my cooter feel like. It was all tingly and cool and refreshed feeling. I still cant decide if it was good or bad. However, after I got out of the shower I went to put a tampon in and the damn thing got stuck half in. I couldnt pull it out because the freaking MINTY CHILL had dried it up and caused this freaking thing to be stuck. Of course this is the time that RobBob knocks on the door saying he's ready for his ride to the airport. In a fit of panic I ended up having to use a towel and the wall to get it in. I'm not even going to try to elaborate on that description further. But it got in. And that's the point. My mother found this amusing for some reason.

5. Speaking of my mother, she's pretty l33t and hip with the kids these days. She has an iPhone AND can text coherent sentences on it. (My dad occasionally sends me a letter from his phone and is all proud about the fact that he texted...sigh). Anyway, below is an actual conversation we had via text the other day when I had horrible PMS:

Me: I'm getting my uterus removed. I can just buy kids.
Mom: Consider each day as one less you have to deal with the cramps.
Me: I'm sure that's what they tell prisioners waiting out their sentence. Only replace cramps with rape.
Mom: No uterus tends to dull up one's sex life.
Me: Rape probably doesnt add passion to a convict's either.
Mom: True. But why do you want to decrease your fun with Mash
Me: (obviously having misread earlier texts from her because I was still in prison rape thought mode) Um. Huh? I have a feeling I'd want sex MORE often without a uterus. No worries about any uninvited occupiers!
Mom: Put yourself on gchat
Me: Maybe I dont wanna gchat. Ever think I was comfy in my covers with my iPhone? Suffering from super sleepiness thanks to her uterus?! Im hungry though, might have to move soon.
Mom: Get ip you lazy woman...
Me: I have an IP I just dont want to use it for gchat right now!!
Mom: Boon...
Me: ...is this a new insult I'm unaware of?
Mom: It was supposed to be boo hiss.
Me: Yes. I can see how you would mistype that.

Yep...thats my mother. Used to my antics. Sigh.

Till next time folks.


I had five guys and got wood.

Posted by DC Export on 3:50 PM in , , ,
As you may have noticed, I've changed the look of the blog. I'm happy with it. Alright, now to FINALLY update on the remainder of our trip last week! Sorry its photo heavy, but fuck it, its my blog and I do what I want. Oh, and lets not mention the horrendous grammar of this particular post. My old English teacher might kill me....

Some Highlights:

Husband found a comfy couch at the Georgia welcome center. It had a TV. Said TV had sports on it. Mash seriously asked for me to leave him in Georgia.

In a GAS STATION BATHROOM next to the very classy multiple-flavor-condom-dispenser, was this diddy. Normal hand dryer or bacon-dispensing machine? You tell me.

I FOUND A FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES! You don't even understand. I fucking love this place and went quite a few times whilst in DC. We drove INTO Atlanta and OUT OF our way to satisfy my craving for Five Guys (yes, I totally meant that play on words, and you know what? Michelle Obama is sneaking five guys on the side as well...)

Met up with brudders. We went to Jillians (the Dave & Busters of yesteryear). Kicked both their asses in Air Hockey. Also defeated Mash and my sister-in-law. I reign supreme as undisputed champ.

Brudder (who left for Iraq this week) decided to play this game to try to win a Wii for biggest brudder and sister-in-law. Its SO much harder than it looks by the picture, and rediculously addictive. Also brudder almost won the Wii 3 times. Kept bonking up on the last row. Which led to the second photo of him threatening the machine with death by barstool.

I was made into a sister sammich.

Now you may be wondering...'wtf is this shit?'. Well my dear readers, its wood. You see, I was taking a nap on the first hour into our trip back to Pensacola from South Carolina, and I wake up and we're pulled over on the side of the road. Being that I'm a normal person, I glanced around looking for the cop. Seeing NOTHING, I ask Mash "um...what's going on?" (as he's putting the car in REVERSE on the shoulder of the highway). His response? "Oh, you're awake? Oh well, I saw some wood on the side of the road and thought I'd get it for our wood pile since we're running low". Me (after pondering for a minute to take this absurdity in): "IN GEORGIA?! You HAVE to pick up wood FROM THE SIDE OF THE ROAD in Georgia?!". Apparently he didn't find this as amusing as I did. He just thought it was pre-cut and why waste a good pile. But yes, only my husband would pull over TWO STATES FROM HOME to collect firewood. Because he's just that environmentally consciencious. When he got back into the car he turned to me and said: "You're not gonna blog about this, are you?"
My reply: "You bet your ass I am."

Note: That wood is still sitting in the back of our Escape.


Happy Friday!

Posted by DC Export on 1:56 PM
Ok, so I'm on a posting rampage. I'll be posting the remainder of posts from last week's trip, and some other shiz.

Meanwhile, I leave you with this slice o'happiness.

DANCING DOGS! SALSA dancing dogs! I couldn't decide which was cuter so I posted both.


Alright, alright!

Posted by DC Export on 2:27 AM
YES I'm going to post again...tomorrow. The past two days were spent recooperating from the trip and such...and also just being lazy.

Expect a post tomorrow on the following: tickle me elmos, new execution methods (NOW with midgets!), and wood.

Goodnight all.

-- Post From My iPhone


I think they're testing my literacy

Posted by DC Export on 3:34 PM
So Mash & I are driving along, and I start singing "get a job, la la la la la la la la la la" which led to us then having a debate as to the true lyrics. I was stumped, he thought it was random "na na na"s, and I couldn't google the matter be cause writing "what is the name of the song that goes la la la la la la la la la la la la la la?" likely won't produce the desired result. So what do we do?

We call my father. He did live it after all, he should know. Well dear pa recalls the song and is fairly certain the lyric actually is "get a job" at which I exclaimed "so you're telling me everytime I've sung that while walking past homeless people I wasn't making it up?!?!!" (note: I'm sure papa was not happy at this revelation, but thank goodness he didn't express it). He then offered to look up the artist online, which led to a longer-than-is-necessary tutoring session to teach him how to find the song on the iTunes store. Once found, I asked "who's the artist?" he mumbles something about how the song was called "get a job, cha na na" an the only real artist he saw was James Taylor. Three minutes later he declared that it was originally performed by the GROUP the Cha Na Nas. "dad, a group IS an artist!!!". Sigh. I love my papa, and definitely admire his willingness to learn new tech.

As a side note, at a rest stop in Alabama the inside of the stall door had LOCK written on it, in case a simple woman like myself was unable to identify the fancy locking equipment on the door.

-- Post From My iPhone


On the road again

Posted by DC Export on 11:57 AM
The DC Export is now on the road, exploring parts of our great country. Sort of. Today Mash and I are headed NE, from Pensacola, FL to Columbia, SC. Only a two day trip (considering each way is 8 hours, you'd wonder why we're doing it) but it's for the greater good.

You see, the Export has a good friend finishing up at USC. Also, my brudder was just moved to Ft. Jackson for training prior to his Iraq deployment next week. Brudder and Mash were roommates at the Naval Academy, so it's understandable why he'd want to go see him as badly as I do. Also Big Brudder & his wife are meeting us there to see him off. It's bittersweet times.

Anywho, I plan on updating with the random shit I'm sure to find amusing as we go through 4 states today. Mostly because it gives me a chance to try out this sweet blogpress app on my iPhone!

Till then,

-- Post From My iPhone


Dammit Anthropologie...

Anthropologie needs to get out of my head! My favorite animal is the Octopus, my favorite color is purple, I've been searching high and low for a good cocktail ring, and SOMEHOW one of my favorite companies has TOTALLY READ MY MIND and made a PURPLE OCTOPUS RING.

Why am I taking Anthro's name in vain? Simply put - its $178 bucks. FOR.A.RING. Yes, I'd probably wear the shit out of it, I'd love it for ever, and its totally a splurge item I can justify due to its just-too-perfect customization to myself. Sigh. But I'll wait it out, because Mash might murder me if I spend that much money without at least discussing it with him first.



Seriously? That happened?

Posted by DC Export on 10:40 PM in , ,
Why is it that every time I go to McGuire's (a local steakhouse/brewery in Pensacola) I have some sort of crazy story to tell afterward?

A Case Study, from March 15-Apr 17 2009 (yes I was able to pinpoint the first visit for this study, that's what GOOD researchers do):

Situation Uno - Dinner with Mash (aka Husband), RobBob (aka Bro-in-Law), and CoolJ (my writing partner) on a busy Sunday night. Our waiter seemed to be very strongly suggesting we eat the pork chops. The conversation went as follows:
Waiter Eric: May I suggest the pork chops to you?
Table: (each person says no)
Waiter Eric: (looks at me with desperation in his eyes) Are you sure? They're very good pork chops, I highly recommend them.
Me: Um...yeah, definitely been thinking about this dinner for the past two hours and I'm pretty set on the prime rib.
Waiter Eric: (hesitating) um...ok then.
After that point it was approximately 8-10 minutes between every table visit. Seeing as I drink pretty quickly this was unacceptable. Then CoolJ pointed out to me that perhaps I should consider that McGuire's is ruled by the iron fist of Molly McGuire. We then spent 15 minutes riffing about how waiter Eric was being beaten by Molly's rolling pin every time he went in the kitchen for not upselling the pork chops. It then progressed to an idea for a skit that CoolJ and I are now writing that ends with Waiter Eric crying in his shower fully clothed while repeating 'Pork Chops' over and over and Molly McGuire then pulls him out of the shower and gives him a swirlie. Seriously, this is the stuff we come up with when left to our own devices at dinner...

Case Study #2 - Nothing too eventful here; just that Belle, her sister and I met a cool guy at the free drinks night (Thursday) and the evening progressed to us visiting a strip club (where I convinced Elle's sister to put a doller in her mouth and have the stripper remove it with her boobies ) and then a bit of Whataburger from across the street to wash it down. Yes, this evening was high class.

Case Study #3 - Again Ladies Drink Free Thursday night...last night. We sat at a table so we could gobble some grub. Then we realized our potential party of 8 (2 were running late) would NOT fit at the table for 6 we had, so I decided to discuss this with the waiter. *ahem*

Me: Sir, we were just notified that two more of our friends are coming and obviously there isn't enough room in this booth, is there anyway we could work this out so we could accomodate that?
Waiter Corey: Nope. You're all just going to have to scooch in.
Me: So then I guess I'm just going to have to not tip you.
Waiter Corey: (shocked I tell you, shocked) I'm sorry?
Me: Sorry, its just that I don't know how to remedy the situation and felt it best to bring it up to you BEFORE it becomes a problem, I would hope you'd respect that.
Waiter Corey: (still backpedeling from previous asshole comment) Yeah, I dont know either, I'll go ask my manager..............

And with that he got his answer, we got a bigger table, and yes I did tip him. But seriously, that happened? Just a wee bit bizarre for a waiter to be so...assholish.

Stay tuned, perhaps I'll have some other bizarre experience there again soon...

On a side note...Mash and RobBob are now strumming on their guitars to some song called "What Would Willie Nelson Do?" which is really making me miss the old days of toking grass and munchis. Le sigh.


So I've decided...

Posted by DC Export on 10:31 PM in ,

I'm now going to start blogging...consistently. I know my promises in the past would lead you to believe that I'll just backtrack on this promise too, but really I'm keeping it this time. Lets pretend this is a binding contract between us, that I'll update on days other then Friday...

And how will I do this you may ask? Simply by altering what I cover. Initially it was going to be beauty/fashion related, but now I think I'll cover all of it. My life. That's what a blog is about right?

Alrighty then...here we go!


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