I had five guys and got wood.
As you may have noticed, I've changed the look of the blog. I'm happy with it. Alright, now to FINALLY update on the remainder of our trip last week! Sorry its photo heavy, but fuck it, its my blog and I do what I want. Oh, and lets not mention the horrendous grammar of this particular post. My old English teacher might kill me....
Some Highlights:

Husband found a comfy couch at the Georgia welcome center. It had a TV. Said TV had sports on it. Mash seriously asked for me to leave him in Georgia.

In a GAS STATION BATHROOM next to the very classy multiple-flavor-condom-dispenser, was this diddy. Normal hand dryer or bacon-dispensing machine? You tell me.

I FOUND A FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES! You don't even understand. I fucking love this place and went quite a few times whilst in DC. We drove INTO Atlanta and OUT OF our way to satisfy my craving for Five Guys (yes, I totally meant that play on words, and you know what? Michelle Obama is sneaking five guys on the side as well...)

Met up with brudders. We went to Jillians (the Dave & Busters of yesteryear). Kicked both their asses in Air Hockey. Also defeated Mash and my sister-in-law. I reign supreme as undisputed champ.

Brudder (who left for Iraq this week) decided to play this game to try to win a Wii for biggest brudder and sister-in-law. Its SO much harder than it looks by the picture, and rediculously addictive. Also brudder almost won the Wii 3 times. Kept bonking up on the last row. Which led to the second photo of him threatening the machine with death by barstool.

I was made into a sister sammich.

Now you may be wondering...'wtf is this shit?'. Well my dear readers, its wood. You see, I was taking a nap on the first hour into our trip back to Pensacola from South Carolina, and I wake up and we're pulled over on the side of the road. Being that I'm a normal person, I glanced around looking for the cop. Seeing NOTHING, I ask Mash "um...what's going on?" (as he's putting the car in REVERSE on the shoulder of the highway). His response? "Oh, you're awake? Oh well, I saw some wood on the side of the road and thought I'd get it for our wood pile since we're running low". Me (after pondering for a minute to take this absurdity in): "IN GEORGIA?! You HAVE to pick up wood FROM THE SIDE OF THE ROAD in Georgia?!". Apparently he didn't find this as amusing as I did. He just thought it was pre-cut and why waste a good pile. But yes, only my husband would pull over TWO STATES FROM HOME to collect firewood. Because he's just that environmentally consciencious. When he got back into the car he turned to me and said: "You're not gonna blog about this, are you?"
My reply: "You bet your ass I am."
Note: That wood is still sitting in the back of our Escape.
Some Highlights:
Husband found a comfy couch at the Georgia welcome center. It had a TV. Said TV had sports on it. Mash seriously asked for me to leave him in Georgia.
In a GAS STATION BATHROOM next to the very classy multiple-flavor-condom-dispenser, was this diddy. Normal hand dryer or bacon-dispensing machine? You tell me.
I FOUND A FIVE GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES! You don't even understand. I fucking love this place and went quite a few times whilst in DC. We drove INTO Atlanta and OUT OF our way to satisfy my craving for Five Guys (yes, I totally meant that play on words, and you know what? Michelle Obama is sneaking five guys on the side as well...)
Met up with brudders. We went to Jillians (the Dave & Busters of yesteryear). Kicked both their asses in Air Hockey. Also defeated Mash and my sister-in-law. I reign supreme as undisputed champ.
Brudder (who left for Iraq this week) decided to play this game to try to win a Wii for biggest brudder and sister-in-law. Its SO much harder than it looks by the picture, and rediculously addictive. Also brudder almost won the Wii 3 times. Kept bonking up on the last row. Which led to the second photo of him threatening the machine with death by barstool.
I was made into a sister sammich.
Now you may be wondering...'wtf is this shit?'. Well my dear readers, its wood. You see, I was taking a nap on the first hour into our trip back to Pensacola from South Carolina, and I wake up and we're pulled over on the side of the road. Being that I'm a normal person, I glanced around looking for the cop. Seeing NOTHING, I ask Mash "um...what's going on?" (as he's putting the car in REVERSE on the shoulder of the highway). His response? "Oh, you're awake? Oh well, I saw some wood on the side of the road and thought I'd get it for our wood pile since we're running low". Me (after pondering for a minute to take this absurdity in): "IN GEORGIA?! You HAVE to pick up wood FROM THE SIDE OF THE ROAD in Georgia?!". Apparently he didn't find this as amusing as I did. He just thought it was pre-cut and why waste a good pile. But yes, only my husband would pull over TWO STATES FROM HOME to collect firewood. Because he's just that environmentally consciencious. When he got back into the car he turned to me and said: "You're not gonna blog about this, are you?"
My reply: "You bet your ass I am."
Note: That wood is still sitting in the back of our Escape.