Copycat whaaaat?

Posted by DC Export on 10:50 PM in , ,

That hot mama to the left there is 61 year old Judy Hall, a local Pensacola resident and professional dumbass. What I have gathered from this unbelievably vague article (here) is that Ms. Hall was upset that some kids at school were spreading a rumor that her son posted a 'hit list' online (*note: it was made clear that the 'rumor' wasn't actually about her son, but about another kid, but for some reason this lady thought it was her son...).

So this crackpot did the responsible thing: call the school and scheduled a time to speak with the principal to address her (unfounded) concerns. On said day she freaking SHOWED UP AT THE SCHOOL IN A TRENCH COAT with a concealed gun AND knife. This is the part where I tell you that this crazy bitch did this on the 10 year anniversary of Columbine.

Why? Well, since I'm not quite fluent in dipshit yet, (another few years and just maybe! yay!) the only possible reason I could think of is that SHE was the one who posted the hitlist because no one would suspect the mother of a freshman to go fuckwit crazy on a school of high school kids! Muhahaha! And starting in the principals office? Brilliant. No, seriously, they really don't know why. When the principal saw her in the parking lot (in costume) he ran out to talk to her, where she was quoted as to saying "anyone could walk in the school with a trench coat on and a gun in their pocket and start killing people".

Um...yeah lady...but most people don't do that. And most people don't try to prove this point by bringing ACTUAL weapons to a school campus, nor do they do it on the anniversary of such a clusterfuck of a catastrophe when school employees would be on high alert for a copycat. And most 61 year old women have more sense than this.

But I digress, my favorite part of the article is where the police chief says: "The mother did not identify that she was trying to make a connection to Columbine,"
you couldn't garner that information by the TRENCHCOAT, KNIFE, or concealed FIREARM? Does she have to wear a sign saying "yo, this is in connection to Columbine!" for y'all to get it?

...am I the only one that found that strange?

This was a weird post for me. I hope it was for you too.
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd end post.



I considered blogging about this woman but then I thought, "No way anyone outside of P'cola will believe this ever happened."

Well, believe it, folks. As I always say, this is The Land That Time Forgot.

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