Oh the woes of being a woman...

Posted by DC Export on 10:27 PM in , ,
Two things have come to my attention this week that deal with the woes of being female.

1. Some brilliant scientist/researcher/NSA Employee/Man figured out that women carry a lot of shit in their purses. STOP THE PRESSES! They say that on average the following can be found in our bags: a make-up bag, a camera, phone, a diary, a book or magazine, a fold-up umbrella, an iPod, a hairbrush, a set of keys, painkillers, a wallet and hand cream. The article goes on to say that this luggage could weigh as much as 'half a stone' (which sounded kind of scary and heavy to me...like women are Davids in training just waiting for Goliath to show his ugly face to us one day...then I looked up how much a stone is to us American folk, and realized that the extra 7 lbs of a bag they're rambling on about really isn't much. Really.)

If you've met me, you'd know that I knocked out the camera/phone/diary/book/ipod with my iPhone. Genius little device! Makes so much more room for the shit in my bag. What have we here: small emergency makeup shiz, sunglasses, antibacterial hand sanitizer, lip balm, wallet, keys, phone, magazine, cliff bar, back-up cliff bar (I get cranky without em), gum, pen, inhaler, epi-pen (in case of oranges/pomegranates), mace (in case of person wielding oranges/pomegranates), and occasionally a water bottle.

But a hair brush? Really? Is this 1993? Do these British birds also have scrunchies?

2. Holy shit. Someone thought it would be a GREAT idea to use the metaphor of mowing the lawn for grooming the cho-cha! Seriously. Really. Watch the commercial below. W.T.F. Catchy song? check. Lame actors? check. Pussycat? check. BUSH TRIMMED AS A FREAKING LANDING STRIP? oh check. When I checked to find out if this was the real ad for Shick Quattro For Women TrimStyle with Bikini Trimmer, I was disappointed to (sort of?) learn that this wasn't the REAL commercial. The real commercial can be seen here on this website (which is not much less um...metaphorical as the one below), as well as a quick review...in case you wanna trim your hedges or anything...

Well then. I think I've talked enough about cootertangs for the day. Enjoy!



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